rish ramblings
Friday, December 29, 2006
Friday, December 22, 2006

Stairway (ladder) to Heaven?
The other night ... a day or two after our talk about heaven ... Journey was climbing the ladder to her bed. She started goofing off and I warned her to be careful. "Why careful?", she asked. So I explained again about dangerous activities and how they might leave her bleeded (hurt). "And then I might die?" she asked. But before I could really respond she announced cheerfully: "then I would be in heaven with God!"
"Well, you'll only be in heaven if you have God in your heart."
"I do!"
"Did you ask Him to come in?"
"If you don't ask Him He won't be there ... but if you ask Him to come in He will."
"Can I ask Him now?"
"Yes, if you want to."
"Dear God, please come in my heart. Amen"
We need to start going through the "Lamb" book David and Erin gave us. I want to be excited but find myself doubting that this is 'real' or that God acknowledges her invitation. There's just so much she doesn't understand! But then I think that there's a whole lot I still don't understand. And I am humbled inside because I feel God gently chiding me for being an "adult" when I should be striving to be more like a "child" in my faith. Just obediently living up to the light He has given me ... no matter how dim or bright. Welcome home Journey. I AM excited to see how God develops your understanding and your relationship with Himself. How sweet that you will know God in your youth! I hope I don't ever discourage you on your spiritual journey or cloud your faith with my own disbelief.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
A Night Away

Thanks to Amy's mom, Char, (who gave us a gift certificate for a night at the Radisson in Canmore) we were able to get away for some much needed alone time. Not only did she provide for us financially in this but she also looked after the kids while we were gone! What a woman. We are deeply grateful and had a wonderful time!
The hotel was furnished with Sleep Number beds and we discovered that Garron and I have VERY different needs as far as mattresses go. He is a number 55 and I think I'm down around the 30 mark. (which basically means I like my mattress to hug me and he likes to sleep on the floor) We had a delicious supper out at The Sage restaurant ordering our favorites, lamb and steak. We slept in late (7:30) and lingered over breakfast beside the fire.
Thank you momma! We owe you big-time. Any requests?
The Perfect Christmas Gift for Andy!

Last night as Journey and I walked home from the pool we got to talking about why we have to be so careful when crossing the street. It went something like this:
Journey: "Why so dangerous momma?"
Me: "If a car is coming and doesn't see you it will run into you and you will either 'get bleeded' or die."
Journey: "Or get bleeded AND die".
Me: "That's right".
Journey: "Why die?"
Me: "If you die it means you can't live on earth anymore. It means you won't get to be with momma and daddy but will have to go to heaven. And we would miss you so much."
Journey: "Why not on earth?"
Me: "Well, when you die you don't get to stay on the earth ... you have to go see God. Then if you have Jesus in your heart you get to stay in heaven".
Journey: (rather upset) "But I won't be with God!"
Me: "But heaven is where God lives! If you have Jesus in your heart you get to stay in heaven and be with God for ever and ever."
Journey: "Oh!" (very relieved)
By this time we had safely crossed the street and reached our house. As we went through the front door she turned to me and said, "That was a really good day, momma."
Then as we were taking off our boots she said, "I need to thank God." So I said, "You can thank God anytime for any thing!" Then she ran into the living room and excitedly told Garron all about how if we get hit by a car we will die and go to heaven and be with God for ever and ever! So to press the point about needing Jesus I asked her what we would need in our hearts if we wanted to be able to stay in heaven and she said "God".
I was really impressed with the level of sobriety she demonstrated while discussing this issue. I could tell she didn't understand it all completely but that she was very intrigued and definitely took it seriously. A very precious moment for me.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Saturday afternoon was perftect for sledding. It was warm and sunny. So we piled into the truck, drove down to the hardware store, bought a sled and hit the slopes. Being from the town of Three Hills you'd think there'd be ample places to sled (or at least three!) but in fact things are quite flat ... it was all we could do to find this bump. But we made the best of it and had a lot of laughs.

Can we Daddy?
While shopping in Red Deer last Wednesday Journey picked out a gingerbread house kit to do with her dad. Every day since she has been asking "Can we do it today daddy?" So finally on Saturday (three days seems like an eternity when waiting for candy!!) she and Garron sat down and put it together. She did very well following daddy's instructions and managed to get most of the candy on the house instead of in her tummy. This year we're gonna eat it before it goes stale!

Here's Sol eating some prunes. He actually DOES like them. But then, he has liked everything we've tried to feed him. I haven't had him to the doctor for a while but I am sure he's over 20 pounds by now! I'm tempted to get him a Santa suit for Christmas cause I think he'd do it justice between his jolly disposition and his ever expanding waistline. (:

Thursday, December 07, 2006
my head hurts with thoughts and questions
my heart aches with joys and pains
my soul longs for light (and at times darkness)
my days are crammed with the profound and tedius
actions are driven by need and want
I'm dizzy with trying to pick a direction
and weary of finding yet another dead end
Sunday, December 03, 2006
The Lamby Technique