Thursday, December 14, 2006


Last night as Journey and I walked home from the pool we got to talking about why we have to be so careful when crossing the street. It went something like this:

Journey: "Why so dangerous momma?"
Me: "If a car is coming and doesn't see you it will run into you and you will either 'get bleeded' or die."
Journey: "Or get bleeded AND die".
Me: "That's right".

Journey: "Why die?"
Me: "If you die it means you can't live on earth anymore. It means you won't get to be with momma and daddy but will have to go to heaven. And we would miss you so much."

Journey: "Why not on earth?"
Me: "Well, when you die you don't get to stay on the earth ... you have to go see God. Then if you have Jesus in your heart you get to stay in heaven".

Journey: (rather upset) "But I won't be with God!"
Me: "But heaven is where God lives! If you have Jesus in your heart you get to stay in heaven and be with God for ever and ever."

Journey: "Oh!" (very relieved)

By this time we had safely crossed the street and reached our house. As we went through the front door she turned to me and said, "That was a really good day, momma."
Then as we were taking off our boots she said, "I need to thank God." So I said, "You can thank God anytime for any thing!" Then she ran into the living room and excitedly told Garron all about how if we get hit by a car we will die and go to heaven and be with God for ever and ever! So to press the point about needing Jesus I asked her what we would need in our hearts if we wanted to be able to stay in heaven and she said "God".

I was really impressed with the level of sobriety she demonstrated while discussing this issue. I could tell she didn't understand it all completely but that she was very intrigued and definitely took it seriously. A very precious moment for me.


At 11:36 PM, Blogger Erin Rebecca said...

What a great moment, i can /hear picture her asking those things. Journey is so precious. Emma gets talking about these things alot at times. And jo is starting to 'think' at night before bed too. All I could make out when he was 'thinking out loud' last night was amidst the other words that made no sense to me were peanutbutter, jam, daddy school, mommy making, emma and the big Ay men! at the end. Huddy likes to do it to but I really can't understand him, though he does it sooo sweet- changes his voice to a soft sweet girly voice. I often think I should video tape them but that seems a strange thing to do? Anyway, It is so great when they question like Journey is...

At 8:03 AM, Blogger John and Sara said...

I just left a post, and it may not have posted so I'm doing it again...hopefully it won't be in portugese (that is what that one was John said) Anyhow, I said awesome, I love when I have deep conversations with Sierra, it is so precious and special and amazing. We had it when I told her yesterday that her cat had been killed on the road the night before, when we discussed sexual abuse and when we talked about Christmas its meaning and becoming a christian...which she chose to do at that time. I love it!

And I also love all your pictures.

Keep it up!



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