A Night Away

Thanks to Amy's mom, Char, (who gave us a gift certificate for a night at the Radisson in Canmore) we were able to get away for some much needed alone time. Not only did she provide for us financially in this but she also looked after the kids while we were gone! What a woman. We are deeply grateful and had a wonderful time!
The hotel was furnished with Sleep Number beds and we discovered that Garron and I have VERY different needs as far as mattresses go. He is a number 55 and I think I'm down around the 30 mark. (which basically means I like my mattress to hug me and he likes to sleep on the floor) We had a delicious supper out at The Sage restaurant ordering our favorites, lamb and steak. We slept in late (7:30) and lingered over breakfast beside the fire.
Thank you momma! We owe you big-time. Any requests?
Glad that you were able to find some time away for just the two of you (are mom's great!). Love your scarf too Garron.
maybe you need to buy two different twin mattresses put side by side to make a king sized bed...
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