Thursday, June 21, 2007

Off to the Ocean!

A miracle has happened and I am going to the shore! We didn't think I'd be able to make it as finances have been very tight lately ... but we prayed and God answered in the form of an unexpected check from Worker's Comp (profit sharing or something like that). God does choose the strangest avenues through which to bless his people.

Anyways, not only am I able to go ... but I am also able to bring the kids! Laura, you have made Journey a VERY happy little girl. We've been watching the video from our last trip to NJ and she is getting really excited about going again. We are counting down the sleeps!

Unfortunately Garron has to stay home and work. So if you think of him you could give him a call and cheer him up. We'll be gone for two and a half weeks so he might find himself getting lonely. Drop in, or maybe take him out for a bike ride on the long weekend (that is, IF he has kicked this sickness by then!)

Garron's Turn

Well, the kids and I are MUCH better. We found out that Solomon had an ear infection and now that he's been on meds for a few days he's quite normal again. However, last Sunday (Father's Day) I had to take Garron into emerge with severe intestinal cramping, vommitting, etc. We were there for a few hours while they rehydrated him and tried to figure out what was wrong. We thought maybe he had taken in some contaminated water but the tests were inconclusive.
They gave him some medicine to ease the cramping (when I say 'severe' I mean SEVERE) and sent us home. He's been back at work for a few days now and we thought we were in the clear ... but tonight after supper it struck again. He's in bed now and it looks like it may be another rough night for him.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

sick, sick, sick

Me and the kids have come down with some sort of stomach bug. I have managed to keep things 'down' ... but the kids have each been facing buckets. Journey gets quite indignant about it all... can't see the justice in having bugs inside her when she doesn't want them there. "I do NOT like that spitting" she said after the first time. "I don't EVER want that to happen again!" Sol has been whiny but cuddly. The latter almost makes up for the former. He's been sick for about a week but I think is finally starting to recover. We'll be staying home from church tomorrow so as not to spread the 'joy' any further.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Amy likes to...

1. take photographs (I just need a good camera!)
2. draw and paint (oh for the time to do this again)
3. keep momma on her toes
4. look out the front door (yeah, even looking out the front door is exciting when you OWN it)
5. lend her shoulder to cry on
6. keep in touch (I like to ... so why don't I?)
7. go to the plant and work on the burrito (hmm?)
8. talk to no one else (what?! as if!!)
9. go to the beach (I like it. . .but it's not my FAVORITE)
10. say 'that's quite amazing!'
11. to participate in anything competitive (not THIS Amy)
12. listen to stories (now THAT'S more like it! Every night before bed ... Louis L'amour, Wind in the Willows, Dr. Seuss ...)

This is a 'game' where you type in "(your name) likes to" in the google search box ... then you pick the first twelve things that come up for your name. Lots of mine were really quite true for me! Cool.