The Start of Something?
Journey was in her bed last night waiting for me to come and read some stories when we overheard her say:
Well, Sara and John drove up to see the house in person today. To be honest, I was nervous that they would be disappointed and regret the decision to move. But, I think they were pleasantly surprised with the house and the possibilities. There are PLENTY of fenced fields for Sara's horses, pig and dogs, and there is a huge garage for John's wood, truck and tools. If I were not so attatched to 'city' life I would have moved out there myself! But I have discovered that I need to be able to 'get' places, 'go' places, interact with people on a daily basis. And without a vehicle I need all these things to be within walking distance of home. So, I shall continue to live 'down town' and love it.
This morning as Garron and I were having our daily prayer time together we overheard Journey doing the same thing. It was so precious to hear our little girl talking to her heavenly father without our prompting. It went something like this:
The following pics are for my sister Sara. I went to see a house for her today and had to take some photos to show her what it was like. I guess she liked what she saw cause she will be moving in to said house over the next two weeks. (anyone available to help?!) I am thrilled that she will be closer to me and hope Amanda will soon follow in her footsteps. (no pressure Manda ... no pressure)