Today I am feeling cloudy. Not only are there clouds overhead casting a general shadow on our life but there is low-lying fog making forward progress near to impossible. I have a sense of idling, wanting to move but not knowing in which direction.
Thankfully, and this may sound trite ... but thankfully Journey has been extra adorable lately and given me many opportunities to smile in spite of myself.
She recently learned to recognize the Canadian flag and has been trying to learn the national anthem (which she understands to be "Holy Canada") I have attempted many times to correct her but she is insistent. Maybe she knows something we don't?
She's also been learning a little geography. We got her a placemat of the map of Canada and she can now point out and say Thunder Bay, Ontario (where she was born) ... Three Hills, Alberta (where she lives now), and Nunavut (a place she understands to be COLD). I am trying to teach her the Provinces and Territories one at a time by attaching a 'descriptor' to it ... but its tough to come up with something unique about Manitoba and New Brunswick! (and most of the Provinces to be honest ... if anyone has any ideas please let me know!)
Some of her most adorable sayings of late are:
"O gosh", "Dingo Dongo" and "I frustrated!" (all uttered in times of trouble or despair) ...
"kick in the bum" (to hurry her along on the way up the stairs to bed) ...
"why'd you do that?" ...
"yes e can, bob" (taken from the kid's series "Bob the Builder") the 'e' could mean I or you ...
"Bye-bye, see you in the morning" (said to everyone and everything that leaves) ...
"Quiet, mommy ... look out own window" (said to me in the car when I'm talking too much and she wants to be left alone -- unfair I must say because I'm usually talking in order to answer a question SHE asked!) ...
"Hurt youself?" (she asks her toys this when she's made them crash or fall) ...
and "Uh-oh mommy ... Dr. Dan" (said when she hurts herself and feels she needs to go see our family doctor for a bandaid)
So you see, I can't remain focused on the clouds for long with Journey around. She always finds something to say to make me smile or even laugh out loud!