Crossing the Country?!

Its only 5 months till he and his sister Sharon join up with over 60 other crazies to cycle all the way from Victoria, BC to St. John's, NFLD. They are going with the Canadian Bible Society's Bike for Bible Centennial Ride and will be on the road for 2 whole months. He has to raise $5000 in pledges which will be used to publish and distribute scriptures for Canadians who otherwise couldn't afford them.
He's been in training for over a year already but I've noticed a definite increase in intensity in the last few weeks as the dead line gets closer. It seems once the calendar read 2006 he realized that THIS WAS THE YEAR and he'd better get a move on if he was gonna be ready. Keep him in mind as he trains physically (and mentally) and tries to raise the necessary funds. Oh, and speaking of funds ... if you want to donate to the cause just email us at and we'll get ya set up. Every penny counts!!! And speaking of pennies ... if you were to pledge one penny a km it would be a grand total of approximately $78. Can you figure out from that how far he has to pedal? hee hee

nice picture! there is also an article here:
though they didn't put a picture of garron, too bad.
garron, 2 months on the road. gosh. that is a lot of gatorade:) or what do you drink? water? we are already proud of you
BTW how do you like my avatar? It's from
Nice bike :). Anyhow, good luck with the training to bike and the training to be without a husband for 2 months! good thing you've got family that likes to visit!
We'll contribute...not sure when, how much or whatever other phrase fits in there, but we will contribute!
Love you both (actually it has to be love you all, as your kids need to matter).
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