A Mom's Wise Advice
Last Tuesday mom and dad dropped by for an unexpected visit .... it may have saved my life.
We were able to talk and pray together about my despair and as always momma helped to bring some perspective. And before they left she insisted that I call my counsellor and set up an appointment to talk through the fallout from the sentencing hearing. (I'd been stalling on this -- letting myself believe that there was no point in trying to sort it out anymore)
Today I had that meeting with my counsellor and am relieved to say that it went very well.
I wish I could adequately describe what it is she does and how it changes things on my insides but words fail me. All I know is I come out of her office much clearer and stronger than when I went in. Much more at peace with the things that usually cause great consternation.
So, to all those who have been praying for me ... Thank you. Please don't stop (as the process has only just begun .. again) But continue to lift both me and my counsellor before God. We need wisdom and insight to keep me moving in the right direction.