The Princess and the Pumpkin
I don't know what you think about celebrating Halloween ... I'm sure I have friends at both ends of the spectrum ... from going all out with costumes and trick or treating, to hiding in the basement hoping no one comes. At present, I'm somewhere in the middle. I used to hide in the basement ... fearing the implications of celebrating a holiday with so many negative spiritual connotations. Somewhere along the line I've changed my opinion and though I do tend to shy away from witches and goblins I like to get the kids dressed up in costumes and take them door to door for candy. Today Sol is dressed as a cow (you may remember this one from when Journey was 1) and Journey is dressed as Snow White. Her playschool is having a party today with a princess/prince theme. Tonight I think she's going as a horse, Sol as his cow and I will be the farmer. Hopefully I'll get some pics to put on here later.