rish ramblings
Friday, April 27, 2007
Easter Pics
Sorry these pics are a little late. I forgot we had them on our computer till last evening. Thanks to auntie Sharon for taking such artistic photos!
Easter Eggs
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
What A Week!
I spent most of last week down at Manda's. On Wednesday mom and I were treated to Il Divo by our good friend Laura. THANK YOU Laura! The show was amaaaazing. Then on Thursday Manda took me to a dinner theatre at Heritage. (the school where she works) It was a neat one act play about how when we talk to someone there are really two conversations going on ... the one the other person hears and the one we wish we were bold enough to let them hear. Thanks Manda! Lets do it again soon. On Friday I watched Pete and Jon play against eachother in an alumni basketball tournament. Pete won. Looked like the guys on Jon's team hadn't stepped on the court for the better part of a decade. Like they should've been watching their bloodpressure instead of the score board. (:
It was a wonderful week. Busy but very rewarding. Thanks to Brad, too, for renting me his room for the time I was there. I still owe you a few night's worth. Don't let me forget!