Wednesday, December 14, 2005

lost voices

Well, those of you who have been following my life in ways other than this blog site (cause you couldn't do it here very well) will know that I've just gotten back from a brief trip to Thunder Bay, Ontario to participate in the sentencing hearing of one of the men who abused me as a teen.

Words to describe the proceedings?

I am still in a state of 'semi' shock. I honestly can't comprehend how our system of justice can get things SO wrong. I wish I could explain what happened back there in that stuffy court room but there is just too much background information I would have to go into to be able to make things clear for those of you who haven't been following the proceedings from the beginning.

For those of you who have been keeping tabs on things you will understand my exasperation when you read what sentence was handed down.

2 years conditional sentence: curfew imposed only for the first year (in home by 7pm till 6am), no alcohol consumption, must check in with police on a weekly basis (at least I think its weekly), must do 240 hours of community service, must continue with rehabilitation programs offered in the area for sex offenders and must register as a sex offender giving a DNA sample.

This will be followed by 3 years probation where he must keep the peace and be a 'good citizen'

No actual incarceration was given because the court deemed him no longer a threat to society ... not likely to ever reoffend. What they don't understand is that he has reoffended with at least 10 other girls in his employ since the crime against me. His 'spree' has spanned over 16 years and will probably continue unhindered until he dies. My coming forward and taking him to trial was just a speed bump on his road of destruction. A minor irritation but certainly not a deterrrant. Maybe it could have been had the sentence been harsher ... but I don't hold much hope that what I've done will have any major effect on him.

I sometimes wish his suicide attempt had not failed. Or that he had kept trying until successful. May not seem very 'gracious' to some of you ... but may I remind you of what Jesus said in Matthew to those who would cause a little one to sin : He said it would be better for them to have a millstone tied around their neck and be thrown to the bottom of the sea. It would be BETTER for that to happen. That's how Jesus felt about people who hurt His little children! That is righteous anger directed at people who take advantage of those who can't stand up for themselves. And I've got a well of it inside right now!