Journey and I have many wonderful moments together, too. We like to play blocks, trains, and lego. We like to color, stamp, and use scissors and glue. We LOVE to read stories and have stories read to us, and we love to cuddle up on the couch watching kids' shows. We laugh about 'pat-a-drum-bum' (flatulence) and make up crazy songs and dances. At these times I feel I was MADE to be a momma. If I could only be a momma without all the discipline issues ... now THAT would be an affirming role.
Thank you Amy and Garron for sharing your frustrations, something I can keep in my prayers. For someone who does not have any children of their own, I think you are a great momma Amy. If I do become a mom, I hope my being around you and your sisters too, have taught me a few things about parenting, especially balancing ones time for family and for oneself. Having that cuddle time is definitely cool I agree! Love ya LJ
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