On March 3rd, after spending two days in Calgary helping Sara move, we found ourselves at the Three Hills hospital. I had tried to take it easy and not lift anything heavy (Sara and mom were pretty strict about that!) but in the end I came home with a VERY sore lower back and was having some stronger 'braxton hicks' contractions than usual. Then after a nap Saturday afternoon I experienced what I thought was my water breaking. We decided to play it safe and go to the hospital to get it checked out --- after a series of tests and a few hours of lying still it was determined that in fact it was only a false alarm. To be absolutely certain we were sent to Calgary for a follow-up ultra-sound which confirmed that Solomon wasn't ready to come yet. Phew!
when i first saw the pic i thought now??!! i like the pictures, glad he's still in there growing big and strong. so glad we get to be there to see him when he is just new. you look very good by the way amy. Are you growing your hair longer again? looks pretty long in the pics from andy's party. anyway. the kids all have bad colds. i gotta go doll out the medicine again. love you
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