Camping/Passion Play

Our family joined the Passion Play this summer! We get to camp out at a special 'cast/crew only campground' and rehearse each weekend from May 31st to July 10th after which we will have two weekends of performances. We had no idea what to expect but have been pleasantly surprised at how interesting and engaging the rehearsals have been and how incredibly diverse and encouraging the cast and crew are to be around. There are 140+ cast right now and we will be joined by about 70 summer school students next weekend. This is the largest cast they've ever had, I think...and it is quite something to see how they tackle directing us all at rehearsals. Really very organized and prompt. The kids think its awesome and are making lots of new friends. Journey especially loves the Jewish songs and dances she gets to do.
You may not post very often but when you do it makes great reading and always good photos...what an exciting time for your camp out do you mean tent?
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