One of the main themes of the weekend was 'attachment'. This is an area where a lot of people need healing. It is supposed to be developed by your primary care givers. If something is lacking you take that into all your relationships and they can become very unhealthy. In this activity we were just supposed to become aware of areas where we might be 'detached' (or need healing). We were asked to shape our relationships with our primary care givers out of colored clay. So the first box is us (as kids) in relationship to our parents. Then the other boxes consist of us as adults in relationship to our parents, our spouses, our kids. Its pretty neat what comes up through this activity. I do suggest you try it at home. Caution!! This in an activity designed to get you out of your 'thinking' brain and into your 'feeling' brain. There may be unexpected emotions that rise to the surface ... but don't fear them. Welcome them and ask God what He wants you to do with them now that you know they're there. And if you have any questions about any of this please feel free to email me or Sara. Either of us would be thrilled to walk you through the process. (: Have fun!
Point of Interest: Emotional trauma or hurt cannot be healed in the left (logical) brain.
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